Jolt Action

TEXAS — The 2022 Texas Election Primary is in full swing and is the last opportunity for voters to make their voices heard in close races ahead of the November election. Results will determine candidates that will represent the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, in November. Key races include seats for Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General. 


Jolt Action endorses Rochelle Garza for Texas Attorney General and Jessica Cisneros for U.S. Congress to represent Texas’ 28th Congressional District. Garza is a former lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union and fought to keep immigrant families together as well as to protect access to healthcare for Texans. 

“Jolt Action is proud to endorse Rochelle Garza in her historic campaign to become the first female and Latina Texas Attorney General. Right now, the rights of so many Texans are under attack by our Attorney General’s office,” said Dr. Gloria Gonzalez-Dholakia, Executive Director of Jolt Action. “That’s why we’re proud to support Rochelle Garza, a strong, progressive Latina leader Texans can count on to protect our rights and transform the Attorney General’s office, so it works for all Texans, not just the rich and powerful.”

After receiving her law degree, Cisneros decided to run for office to make a difference in her community. She advocates for all Texans’ right to healthcare, higher wages and voting rights. 

“Jessica Cisneros is a powerful Latina advocate with deep ties to border communities in Texas and a history of using her voice to uplift our communities,” said Gonzalez-Dholakia. “We have the opportunity to send a fearless Latina to Congress, and Jolt Action is proud to endorse Jessica to help Texans elect the kind of leader we deserve.”

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Visit, your local county election office website or, to see what is on your ballot and find your closest voting site. Remember to bring an acceptable form of identification such as your Texas Driver License or your US Passport to your voting location. If you encounter any issues, call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-687-8683.

Contact the Jolt Action Communications team at [email protected] or [email protected] to arrange interviews. 

Election Day is today. Click the link above for information on when, where and how to vote.